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Sed in metus libero. Sed volutpat eget dui ut tempus. Fusce fringilla tincidunt laoreet Morbi ac metus vitae diam scelerisque malesuada eget eu mauris.Cras varius lorem ac velit pharetra.

How We Do It?

We Are A Young And Creative Company & We
Offer You Fresh Ideas.

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VAW International Conference 2024


Themes & Topics

  • Cultural norms and gender violence
  • Intersectionality
  • Cultural rituals
  • Community and grassroots Efforts
  • Men and boys as allies
  • Media and representation
  • Support services and resources
  • Empowerment and education
  • International perspectives
  • Survivor stories and resilience
  • Honor codes and violence
  • Legal and policy frameworks
  • Immigrant and refugee women
  • Cross cultural dialogues

Day 1

  • Registration
  • Opening ceremony
  • Plenary sessions
  • Breakout sessions
  • Networking
  • Questions and answers

Day 2

  • Plenary sessions
  • Live survival testimonies
  • Panel sessions
  • Work shop
  • Cross culture dialogues
  • Question and Answers
  • Networking (breaks)
  • Award and recognitions
  • Future announcements